Daily Yoga Practice

The Daily Yoga Practice is Designed Exclusively for You. With Each New Breath, it is an Opportunity for Rejuvenation.

In our busy lives, daily routines are important, and simple sequences, when practiced consistently, can provide grounding, openness, and help bring a little more ease and happiness into our lives.

I pooh-poohed yoga as useless until my wife suggested that I try it to alleviate my aches and pains. For the first few months, I experienced very little relief. Jo Ann insisted on working on my posture, and my body responded slowly and eventually, I was able to maintain a stance putting less strain on my lower back.

At about the half-year point, Jo Ann had given me a set of yoga routines to do on my own. I adopted them religiously, doing them every morning.

The remarkable transition started taking place and the strange sensations in my legs disappeared for extended periods, hours and days.
— George Glass

Standing Asanas

Pose 1

Arhdha Chandrasana
Half Moon Pose

Pose 5

Pose 2

Pose 6

Utthita Trikonasana
Extended Triangle Pose

Pose 4

Pose 3

Utthita Parsvakonasana
Extended Side Angle Stretch

Virabhadrasana II
Warrior Pose II

Pose 7

Intense Chest Stretch

Virabhadrasana III
Warrior Pose III

Virabhadrasana I
Warrior Pose I

Seated Asanas

Pose 8

Hero Posture

Pose 9

Pose of the Child

Seated Hip Openers

Pose 10

Supta Baddhakonasana with bolster
Reclining Bound Angle Pose with bolster

Pose 11

Seated Baddhakonasana
Bound Angle Pose

Pose 12

Supta Baddhakonasana with blocks
Reclining Bound Angle Pose with blocks

Pose 13

Cow Face Pose

Pose 14

Cross-legged Pose

Pose 15

Staff Pose

Forward Bends

Pose 16

Intense Forward Stretch

Pose 17

Janu Sirsasana
Head on Knee Pose


Pose 18

Salamba Sirsasana
Head Balance

Pose 19

Adhomuka Svanasana
Downward Dog

Pose 20

Shoulder Stand

Pose 21

Viparita Karani with block
Inverted Lake Posture

Pose 22

Legs Up The Wall

Pose 23

Viparita Karani with bolsters
Inverted Lake Pose

Bolster Practice

Pose 24

Sacrum Bolster

Pose 25

Iliac Bolster

Pose 26

Shoulder Bolster