Yoga Offerings

Weekly Classes ZOOM & In-Person

Jo Ann’s methodical yoga instruction is personalized to every level of practice and addresses students’ needs for relaxation and stretching muscles while increasing their physical strength.

Every class and special workshop will introduce you to the world of deliberate relaxation while exploring your body’s abilities and overcoming physical limitations. During class, Jo Ann will assist you with every step of your practice and will recommend restorative poses for your daily yoga practice.

  • Nancy Ullmann

    I have taken Jo Ann’s yoga classes for about 10 years, and find I have maintained or increased flexibility and become more aware of my body alignment. She is an experienced teacher, who can teach people of different abilities, levels and with different constraints all in the same class.

  • Phyllis Hedges

    Jo Ann presents yoga instruction with great attention to detail, and a comprehensive understanding of individual therapeutic needs. Her teaching encourages her students to embrace and explore.

  • Nancy Savoia, DC

    I do Iyengar yoga to keep my muscles and joints strong and flexible. Since yoga involves using the breath to calm the mind, it offers many benefits in our daily, stressful lives. I often refer patients to yoga classes in order for them to become conscientious regarding their posture and how they move through space.

    Jo Ann’s teaching technique is light and forgiving. There is no judgment. Since she knows her students’ weaknesses and strengths, she will offer alternatives if the challenge is too great on that particular day. On the other hand, she will not allow a student to be lazy. She will urge and assist students to move into a posture, setting them up for success. In order to avoid taking ourselves too seriously, her classes always leave room for laughter and lightheartedness.

  • Maybe you have a creative project to share with the world

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Prenatal & Postpartum

Join Jo Ann for prenatal yoga, a gentle and effective way to stay fit during pregnancy. Through tailored poses, you'll build strength and flexibility while learning essential breathing techniques to relax muscles and reduce tension.

These classes improve circulation, enhance breathing for labor, and reduce fear and pain during childbirth. Yoga also stimulates nerves to release oxytocin, the "love hormone," promoting a smoother labor experience.

Discover how prenatal yoga can keep you strong and relaxed during pregnancy. Classes cater to all stages of pregnancy, offering personalized attention to your needs.

Prenatal and Postpartum Yoga Classes are Offered Regularly

My daughter started practicing yoga in the womb. Later she placed her bolster alongside her stuffed animals and today continues to practice yoga as an adult.
Thanks, for helping me along this journey, as I often carry my worries on my shoulders!
— Diana Gonzales-Pacheco
I have been practicing Iyengar Yoga for over 15 years now, and during my pregnancy yoga helped me maintain my flexibility. Now, my daughter is a teenager and loves to dance ballet and practices yoga with me. I am convinced she learned to appreciate it all already in my womb.
— Irene Berenstein

Personalized Daily Yoga Practice

The Personalized Daily Yoga Practice is designed exclusively for you and with each new breath, it is an opportunity for rejuvenation.

In our busy lives, daily routines are important, and simple sequences, when practiced consistently, can provide grounding, openness, and help bring a little more ease and happiness into our lives.

During every class, Jo Ann observes how your body responds to certain poses, and then she can recommend a routine for your daily yoga practice. Ideally, schedule an individual session to develop a personalized daily yoga routine.

One-on-One Private Lessons

Discover personalized one-on-one yoga with Jo Ann for therapy, prevention, or athletic enhancement.

Jo Ann specializes in Preventative Yoga to improve mobility and avoid surgery. Experience Therapeutic Yoga for holistic healing of physical, mental, and spiritual imbalances.

Athletes benefit from Jo Ann's Iyengar Yoga principles for enhanced performance.

Unlock your potential—book a session today for injury prevention and peak performance.

What People Are Saying

I have been participating in Jo Ann’s yoga classes for 25 years, and after repair of a broken femur, experienced the benefit of all I had learned from her. The first walk after surgery, I unconsciously put one foot in front of the other instead of limping to favor the surgical leg. My Physical Therapist noticed that due to yoga, I had unusually good body awareness and strength that allowed me to progress more rapidly than most. At the end of the second PT session, she asked, “Would you like to try a Downward Dog?”
When Jo Ann received the photo of my 5-days-post-surgery yoga pose
she was even more pleased than I was. Deservedly so!

— Karen Ingraham

“I pooh-poohed yoga as useless until my wife suggested that I try it to alleviate my aches and pains. For the first few months, I experienced very little relief. Jo Ann insisted on working on my posture, and my body responded slowly and eventually, I was able to maintain a stance putting less strain on my lower back.

At about the half-year point, Jo Ann had given me a set of yoga routines to do on my own. I adopted them religiously, doing them every morning.

The remarkable transition started taking place and the strange sensations in my legs disappeared for extended periods, hours and days.”

— George Glass

This morning, before going to perform at the concert, I practiced yoga for about 30 minutes, ending with a long shoulder stand. I remained calm throughout the concert and played very well. I appreciate Jo Ann’s yoga practice since it had such an astounding effect on my musical abilities.”

— Joe Cox